Thursday, January 3, 2019

Sunrise at the Gas Station

Is this suppose to be the sun rising or setting?

Probably of the sun rising.  The sky is suppose to be in the east. 

It seems for me to catch or photograph a subject and see the sun rising or setting is unusual. 

It seems like an easy thing to do.  Begin sitting across the street from the gas station at 7am if that is sunrise time. Wait for the sun to rise. When orange begins to appear, take a photo.

One problem is weather. There is rain and the possibility of cloud cover. During winter time, it can be even more of a challenge.

I think this is suppose to be the sun rising.

Sunset at Sunoco

Sunset at a Sunoco station. Why did I decide to take this picture?  Maybe because the sky is in the west. Maybe the sky was suppose to be some shade of orange.  It did not look too colorful when I took the picture. 

Taking some of these photos. What exactly do I expect?

I take a photo of the a subject at 10am and expect the back-light   from the sun to give the subject a certain look.  I photograph a subject with the sun rising behind me. It is probably suppose to produce some nice shadows.  Maybe I should photograph a subject with the sun rising or setting behind it then people who see the photo will understand my purpose in taking the photo was. I have to remember the photo of a gas station where a person did exactly that. The person photographed the station as the sun was rising. The sun was bright and flooded the photo.

Here, the subject is not flooded by the sun setting.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Swing Bridge in the Flats

This bridge is different from the other bridges in the Flats. It doesn't go up-and-down to let freight carriers and other boats go through. This one swings to the side. This photo falls short of giving the reader a good idea how it operates.  Behind it is the Detroit-Superior Bridge. It stays where it is.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Proggressive Field

Progressive Field

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

This is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on the shore of Lake Erie. It is near the football Stadium and Science Center. Former Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed is credited with coining the term "Rock and roll."

The induction ceremonies are still held in New York.  That is a sore point for some Clevelanders.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Muny Light

Muny Light

This use to be Muny Light and is now Cleveland Public Power.  I always thought Muny Light was the building on the other side of the freeway that has been demolished.  In the late 70's, Dennis Kucinich fought to keep this off the sale block.  The banks said they would turn-over notes if the city put it up for sale.  I think there was more to Kucinich's defeat then this. He narrowly avoid being recalled.